Working with our community to make a better future

Volunteers are a key part of the credit union
There are lots of opportunities for voluntary work. Whether you can spare an hour a week or more there are many ways to get involved. Motherwell & District Credit Union rely on the enthusiasm and commitment of volunteers. Thanks to volunteers Motherwell & District Credit Union can have a flexible and motivated workforce despite our limited resources.
Becoming a volunteer means you can:
- give something back to your community
- work with people
- use and develop your skills, and
- Gain access to training.
Motherwell & District Credit Union is looking for people who can offer business and development skills across a wide range of disciplines. Whether you have an hour or two to spare or can commit more time, there is a role for you if you have any of the following knowledge or skills:
- financial management
- book-keeping
- banking
- lending practices
- teller
- strategy planning
- leadership
- coaching & mentoring
- training
- business development customer service
- marketing
- human resources
- governance & membership development
- community development
- fundraising
- design & publishing
Don’t think you have anything to offer?
Yes you have – everyone has something to offer our credit union. You don’t need to be a financial expert or a wizard on the PC. Talk to our enquiry officer and find out what your potential contribution could be.
Not sure you can make the commitment?
Motherwell & District Credit Union would expect some commitment – how much, is for you and the credit union to decide. Helping with mailing involves much less commitment than becoming an elected director, for example. Don’t commit to time you cannot spare. Start with a few hours’ work and see how it goes.
Don’t know much about credit unions?
Don’t worry, you can learn. Motherwell & District Credit Union will provide an Introduction to Credit Unions as part of the induction process. You’ll be surprised how quickly you will pick things up.
Thinking about becoming an elected director of your credit union?
Motherwell & District Credit Union is a co-operative whose directors are elected by the membership. The Board of Directors has a vital role in providing leadership and direction to the credit union. It is the governing body that determines policy and makes decisions. Motherwell & District Credit Union needs a diverse range of skills and knowledge to help us to develop. Directors are not paid for their work but expenses are usually covered.
Ok, I’m ready. What do I do next?
Look for volunteering opportunities. Contact Motherwell & District Credit Union by telephone on 01698 266433 or email: office@mdcu.co.uk
*An informal chat will help you and the credit union decide what you want to do and where your skills can be used most usefully. If you want to become a director you must be elected into the role. Ask the credit union for details.
*The credit union has the right to refuse a person as a volunteer and where appropriate will give a reason for that refusal.